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Chemindex > 28377-92-6

28377-92-6 Decaborane(12),6,9-bis[thiobis[methane]]-

Nome do produto Decaborane(12),6,9-bis[thiobis[methane]]-
Nome em inglês Decaborane(12),6,9-bis[thiobis[methane]]-;Decaborane(12),compd. with thiobis[methane] (1:2); Methyl sulfide, compd. with B10H12 (7CI);Methyl sulfide, compd. with decaborane(12) (2:1) (8CI); Decaborane(12), compd.with methyl sulfide (1:2) (8CI); Decaborane(12), decaborane(12) deriv.;Methane, thiobis-, boron complex; Methane, thiobis-, compd. with decaborane(12)(2:1); 6,9-Bis(dimethylsulfide)nido-decaborane
Fórmula molecular C4H24B10S2
CAS Registry Number 28377-92-6
Estrutura Molecular 28377-92-6  Decaborane(12),6,9-bis[thiobis[methane]]-
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

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