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Chemindex > 12232-97-2

12232-97-2 Bismuth nitride (BiN)(8CI,9CI)

Nome del prodotto Bismuth nitride (BiN)(8CI,9CI)
Nome inglese Bismuth nitride (BiN)(8CI,9CI);Bismuthnitride
Formula molecolare BiN
Peso Molecolare 222.99
Numero CAS 12232-97-2
Struttura molecolare 12232-97-2  Bismuth nitride (BiN)(8CI,9CI)
Simboli di pericolo  3:;
Sicurezza Descrizione x. See also BISMUTH COMPOUNDS and NITRIDES." target="_blank">Very unstable; explodes when shaken, heated, or on contact with water and dilute acids. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of Bi and NOx. See also BISMUTH COMPOUNDS and NITRIDES.:;
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

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