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Chemindex > 75-00-3


termék neve Chloroethane
Angol név Chloroethane;Ethyl chloride;Aethylchlorid [German];Aethylchloride [German];Aethylis chloridum;Anodynon;CCRIS 3349;Chloorethaan [Dutch];Chloroaethan [German];Chlorure d'ethyle [French];Chloryl anesthetic;Cloroetano [Italian];Cloruro di etile [Italian];Ethane, chloro-;Ether chloratus;Ether chloridum;Ether hydrochloric;Ether muriatic;Etylu chlorek [Polish];Hydrochloric ether;Monochlorethane;Monochloroethane;Muriatic ether;UNII-46U771ERWK
Molekulatömeg 64.5145
InChI InChI=1/C2H5Cl/c1-2-3/h2H2,1H3
CAS-szám 75-00-3
EINECS 200-830-5
Molekuláris szerkezete 75-00-3  Chloroethane
Sűrűség 2.22(气)
Olvadáspont -138.7℃
Forráspont 12.3℃
Gyulladáspont -43℃
Vízben való oldhatóság 6710 mg/L at 25℃
Veszély szimbólumok  F+##Extremely flammable||Xn##Harmful:;
Kockázatot kódok R12##Extremely Flammable.||R40##Possible risks of irreversible effects.||R52/53##Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic:;
Biztonsági Leírás S2##Keep out of the reach of children.||S9##Keep container in a well-ventilated place.||S16##Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking.||S33##Take precautionary measures against static discharges.||S36/37##Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves.||S61##Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/Safety data sheets.:;
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

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