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Chemindex > 51-50-3

51-50-3 Benzenemethanamine,N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-(phenylmethyl)-

Nom Benzenemethanamine,N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-(phenylmethyl)-
Nom anglais Benzenemethanamine,N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-(phenylmethyl)-;Dibenzylamine,N-(2-chloroethyl)- (7CI,8CI); 2-(Dibenzylamino)ethyl chloride;2-(N,N-Dibenzylamino)ethyl chloride; Dibenamine; Dibenzyl-2-chloroethylamine;Dibenzylchlorethamine; Dibenzylchlorethylamine;N,N-Dibenzyl-2-chloroethylamine; N,N-Dibenzyl-b-chloroethylamine; N-(2-Chloroethyl)dibenzylamine; SKF199
Formule moléculaire C16H18ClN
Poids Moléculaire 259.80
Numéro de registre CAS 51-50-3
Structure moléculaire 51-50-3  Benzenemethanamine,N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-(phenylmethyl)-
Densité 1.107g/cm3
Point d'ébullition 320°Cat760mmHg
Point d'éclair 147.3°C
Description de sécurité − and NOx. See also AROMATIC AMINES." target="_blank">Poison by intravenous and intraperitoneal routes. Moderately toxic by ingestion and subcutaneous routes. Experimental reproductive effects. Can cause leukopenia (reduced white blood cell count). Mutation data reported. When heated to decomposition it emits very toxic fumes of Cl and NOx. See also AROMATIC AMINES.:;
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

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