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Chemindex > 420-20-2

Boron,(N,N-dimethylmethanamine)trifluoro-, (T-4)-

Nombre del producto Boron,(N,N-dimethylmethanamine)trifluoro-, (T-4)-
Nombre en inglés Boron,(N,N-dimethylmethanamine)trifluoro-, (T-4)-;Boronfluoride, compd. with trimethylamine (1:1) (6CI); Methanamine, N,N-dimethyl-,compd. with trifluoroborane (1:1); Trimethylamine, compd. with BF3 (1:1) (7CI);Trimethylamine, compd. with boron fluoride (BF3) (1:1) (8CI); Borane,trifluoro-, compd. with N,N-dimethylmethanamine (1:1); Boron fluoride (BF3),compd. with trimethylamine (1:1) (8CI); Boron trifluoride compound withtrimethylamine (1:1); Boron trifluoride-trimethylamine complex; Borontrifluoride-trimethylamine complex (1:1); Boron trifluoride-trimethylaminecompound (1:1); Trimethylamine compound with trifluoroborane (1:1);Trimethylamine-boron trifluoride
Fórmula molecular C3H9BF3N
Número de registro CAS 420-20-2
Estructura Molecular 420-20-2  Boron,(N,N-dimethylmethanamine)trifluoro-, (T-4)-
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

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